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Rwenzori Mountains National Park- RMNP is located in Western Uganda along East Africa Rift Valley Area and 3 districts surround it including Kabarole, Kasese and Bundibugyo. The Park is a home to legendary Mount Rwenzori, Africa’s 3rd highest mountain range which rises up to 5109m. It is one of the block mountain ranges that is snow-capped and its slopes feature a scenic montane forest, moorland, bamboo, tree heathers, mosses, flowering plants, lobelia. While on a Rwenzori Trek, holidaymakers have plenty of thrilling safari activities to engage in and they include;

Mountain climbing/hiking/mountaineering

Mountain climbing is a prime adventure Rwenzori Mountains National Park has to offer. Hiking/climbing to the summits of Mount Rwenzori is all conquering the snow-capped peaks of Margherita at 5109m. It is 7-9 days or more days journey to have a complete hiking adventure on Rwenzori Mountain ranges/Mountains of the Moon. The top trails leading to most of the peaks on Rwenzori Mountains include Central Circuit and Kilembe trails.


Rwenzori Mountains National Park- RMNP is an Important Birding Area (IBA) sheltering over 217 bird species. The best trail to begin your birding is at Ruboni taking you up to the Montane forest. The trail is rich with bird species including golden winged sunbird, blue headed sunbird, Rwenzori batis, long eared owl, Western green tinker bird, crimson wings, barred long tailed cuckoo, Rwenzori turaco, montane masked apalis, cinnamon chested bee-eaters, strip breast tit, white starred robin, red throated alethe, scarlet tufted malachite sun birds.

Other significant bird species Rwenzori Mountains National Park prides itself include strange weavers, slender billed starlings, Kivu ground thrush, dwarf honey guide, bamboo warblers, purple breasted sunbird, olive woodpecker, montane sooty boubou, Rufous sparrow hawk, African lammergeyers, olive breasted mountain greenbul, lanner falcon, Ruwenzori hill babbler, mountain buzzard, Toro olive greenbul, Abyssinian ground thrush, white tailed crested flycatcher, illadopsis, dusky flycatcher, black rough wing swallow, Africa cuckoo shrike, Archer’s robin chat, white necked raven, East Africa grey cuckoo shrike.

Hiking/nature walks

Hiking/nature walks in Rwenzori Mountains National Park offer an in-depth exploration of the park’s hidden treasures. Expect to enjoy amazing views of Baker’s and Margherita peaks, River Mubuku and surrounding areas of the park while also keeping an eye on interesting bird species, primates, flora etc.

Cultural encounter

After your mountaineering adventure on Rwenzori Mountain ranges/Mountains of the Moon, a cultural encounter/experience is perfect way to end your evening. Visit the Bakonzo community to enjoy lots of their cultural music and dance performances, explore more about their cultures, traditions, practices, share stories and so on.